Puppy Power
I'm working hard to get The Snowball Fight Professional out to you this month, but I've got these two, new little distractions called puppies. It's not a bad thing though. Oh no. It's inspiration for my story.

See, in The Snowball Fight Professional, Joey's grandma has a runt puppy in her latest litter of huskies, and she's giving it to the grandchild who proves to be the most responsible. For some reason Joey thinks he has a shot at being the most responsible. Yes. The same Joey from The Water Fight Professional. He's planning to do this by earing enough money with his snowball fighting business to buy Grandma the best Christmas gift ever.
Knowing Joey, he's going to have enough trouble on his own, but then his cousin Winston decides he also wants the puppy and sets Joey up to get in even bigger trouble. What Winston doesn't realize is that Joey is going to get some help from a few very unlikely people. And that in the end, he WILL throw the last snowball.
If you were Joey and earned the husky puppy, what would you name him?